Social Networking Sites

The four sites I chose to visit were Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. I am an active user on all of these sites (Twitter not so much) and they all bring something different and interesting to the table. Facebook serves the purpose of adding photo albums, keeping in touch with friends and family, and sharing and receiving news updates. It also allows people to share updates and voice their opinions on pretty much everything under the sun. It also has combined sites such as BuzzFeed and Facebook and introduced BuzzFeed Tasty videos on Facebook. Twitter is different than Facebook in that you are limited to 140 characters. Many people use Twitter to keep up with celebrities, news, and express their opinions. You are able to retweet anyone and follow your friends. I would prefer Facebook to Twitter because I feel there are more things to do and you have more options.

Instagram is one of my favorite social networking sites. You are limited to only sharing photos and videos but with new features you can add multiple in one post. I have recently learned though that with many social networking sites, the user generated content is up for grabs by advertisers. For example, if you add a picture on Instagram, advertisers can use your content without compensating you for your original work. I like Instagram because you can follow companies and keep up with their products and sales, you can follow friends and celebrities, animals, magazines and news sites and its solely picture based. I also find it easier to promote yourself and your company on sites like Instagram.

LinkedIn is different from all three of these platforms because it is for the purpose of building a more professional network rather than connecting with friends and family. LinkedIn can be used for recruiting and head hunting, job searches, and networking with classmates, professors, and coworkers. You are also able to share news updates and articles on LinkedIn but I find them to be more company and industry based.


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